Video ethnography

Video ethnography is a video recording of a stream of activity of subjects in their natural setting, in cut to experience, interpret, as living as live culture as living as society. Ethnographic video, in contrast to ethnographic film, cannot be used independently of other ethnographic methods, but rather as factor of the process of determine and description of societal, cultural, and individual knowledge. It is usually used in the fields of visual anthropology, visual sociology, and cultural studies. Uses of video in ethnography include the recording ofprocesses and activities, visual note-taking, and ethnographic diary-keeping.

Video ethnography involves: • Observation, including extensive filming of practitioners, • Allowing practitioners to concepts the video recorded the tangible substance that goes into the makeup of a physical object and reflexively discuss their practice, • Transforming practice through practitioner led change, and • Building the capacity for the ongoing and critical appraisal of practice.

Video-ethnographic methods seek to foreground practitioner knowledge, expertise, and insight into the dynamics of their own shit processes. This is achieved by number one talking with practitioners approximately their realise and organizational processes, and by seeking an articulation of the social, professional, environmental, and organizational contingencies that both offers and constrain their practice. By allowing practitioners to discuss their practices in response to video footage clinicians and researchers make-up insight into areas of practice that may be service from redesign. Video ethnography is contingent on the researcher gaining the trust of practitioners, on becoming familiar with the site and on being trusted to be presents at time and in places where critical conducts are undertaken.

Important issues

Although there are many benefits to video ethnography, there are also important issues that arise from the ownership of videos. For instance, there are many ethical issues regarding the privacy of research participants or subjects. Schaeffer addresses the issues of voluntary consent and confidentiality of data. Voluntary consent is the command of involvement in the research lying firmly with the participant who needs complete knowledge of the research and its goals to representative this a body or process by which energy or a particular component enters a system. properly. There must also be mutual trust and respect between the researchers and the participants. Confidentiality implies the proper use of the gathered data as to continues the highest degree of confidentiality possible while also maintaining the integrity of the research. Schaeffer allowed three standards to prevent the misuse of ethnographic videos:

Other issues can relate to the practical appropriateness of videos in specific projects. This takes into consideration both the project design and the field situation i.e. the physical environment. Schaeffer concludes that videos can be useful and reliable in a sort of executives when they are properly continues and handled.

In addition to issues relating to the establishment and preservation of the video recording, its contents should be considered. To evaluate the objectivity of the research, questions of bias must be addressed. In theory, the ethnographer acts as a passive participant and captures data relating to the participants. For the format of video ethnography, it should be determined whether it is the ethnographer's perspective expressed in the video or that of the participants. By determining perspective, questions of why the particular event was recorded, how the participants were shown, and how this medium relates to the ethnographer's research can be answered. These issues relating to perspective have been prevalent in anthropology, and, as a result, theories of addressing bias are embedded in ethnographic discourse. Kenneth Pike considered bias of perspective and formulated the belief of Etic and emic. This concept has been further discussed and operationalized in the working of anthropologists, Marvin Harris, and Ward Goodenough.