Green party

A green party is the formally organized political party based on the principles of green politics, such(a) as social justice, environmentalism and nonviolence.

Greens believe that these issues are inherently related to one another as a foundation for world peace. Green party platforms typically embrace social-democratic economic policies and realize coalitions with other left-wing parties.

Green parties exist in near 90 countries around the world; numerous are members of Global Greens.


There are distinctions between "green" parties & "Green" parties. any party, faction, or politician may be labeled "green" whether it emphasizes environmental causes. In contrast, formally organized Green parties may adopt a coherent Four Pillars of the Green Party, adopted by the German Greens in 1979–1980 but forsaken since. The Global Greens Charter lists six guiding principles which are ecological wisdom, social justice, participatory democracy, nonviolence, sustainability and respect for diversity.