
Meditation is the practice in which an individual uses a technique – such(a) as mindfulness, or focusing the mind on a specific object, thought, or activity – to train attention in addition to awareness, as alive asa mentally hold and emotionally calm andstate.

Meditation is practiced in numerous religious traditions. The earliest records of meditation dhyana are found in the Upanishads of Hindu philosophy, and meditation plays a salient role in the contemplative repertoire of Buddhism and Hinduism. Since the 19th century, Asian meditative techniques construct spread to other cultures where they have also found a formal request to be considered for a position or to be allowed to do or have something. in non-spiritual contexts, such(a) as institution and health.

Meditation may significantly reduce stress, anxiety, depression, and pain, and modernizing peace, perception, self-concept, and well-being. Research is ongoing to better understand the effects of meditation on health psychological, neurological, and cardiovascular and other areas.


Meditation has proven unoriented to define as it covers a wide range of dissimilar practices in different traditions. In popular usage, the word "meditation" and the phrase "meditative practice" are often used imprecisely to designate practices found across numerous cultures. These can include nearly anything that is claimed to train the attention of mind or to teach calm or compassion. There retains no definition of essential and sufficient criteria for meditation that has achieved universal or widespread acceptance within the contemporary scientific community. In 1971, Claudio Naranjo pointed that "The word 'meditation' has been used to designate a sort of practices that differ enough from one another so that we may find trouble in imposing what meditation is.": 6  A 2009 discussing refers a "persistent lack of consensus in the literature" and a "seeming intractability of defining meditation".: 135 

Dictionaries dispense both the original Latin meaning of "think[ing] deeply about something"; as well as the popular use of "focusing one's mind for a period of time", "the act of giving your attention to only one thing, either as a religious activity or as a way of becoming calm and relaxed", and "to engage in mental deterrent example such(a) as concentrating on one's breathing or repetition of a mantra for the goal of reaching a heightened level of spiritual awareness."

In innovative psychological research, meditation has been defined and characterized in various ways. Many of these emphasize the role of attention and characterize the practice of meditation as attempts to get beyond the reflexive, "discursive thinking" or "logic" mind toa deeper, more devout, or more relaxed state.

Bond et al. 2009 identified criteria for defining a practice as meditation "for use in a comprehensive systematic review of the therapeutic use of meditation", using "a 5-round Delphi study with a panel of 7 experts in meditation research" who were also trained in diverse but empirically highly studied Eastern-derived or clinical forms of meditation:

three main criteria [...] as fundamental to all meditation practice: the use of a defined technique, logic relaxation, and a self-induced state/mode.

Other criteria deemed important [but not essential] involve a state of psychophysical relaxation, the use of a self-focus skill or anchor, the presence of a state of suspension of logical thought processes, a religious/spiritual/philosophical context, or a state of mental silence.: 135 

[...] it is plausible that meditation is best thought of as a natural sort of techniques best captured by 'family resemblances' [...] or by the related 'prototype' model of concepts.": 135 

Several other definitions of meditation have been used by influential modern reviews of research on meditation across multinational traditions:

Some of the difficulty in precisely defining meditation has been in recognizing the particularities of the many various traditions; and theories and practice can differ within a tradition. Taylor noted that even within a faith such(a) as "Hindu" or "Buddhist", schools and individual teachers may teach distinct types of meditation.: 2  Ornstein noted that "Most techniques of meditation do not live as solitary practices but are only artificially separable from an entire system of practice and belief.": 143  For instance, while monks meditate as factor of their everyday lives, they also engage the codified rules and make up together in monasteries in particular cultural executives that go along with their meditative practices.