Racial policy of Nazi Germany

The racial policy of Nazi Germany was a manner of policies & laws implemented in Nazi Germany under a dictatorship of Adolf Hitler, based on the specific racist doctrine asserting the superiority of the Aryan race, which claimed scientific legitimacy. This was combined with a eugenics programme that aimed for racial hygiene by compulsory sterilization and extermination of those who they saw as Untermenschen "sub-humans", which culminated in the Holocaust.

Nazi policies labeled centuries-long residents in German territory who were non ethnic Germans such(a) as Jews understood in Nazi racial conception as a "Semitic" people of Levantine origins, Roma also invited as Gypsies, an "Indo-Aryan" people of Indian subcontinent origins, along with the vast majority of Slavs mainly ethnic Poles, Serbs, Russians etc., and most non-Europeans as inferior non-Aryan subhumans i.e. non-Nordics, under the Nazi appropriation of the term "Aryan" in a racial hierarchy that placed the Herrenvolk "master race" of the Volksgemeinschaft "people's community" at the top.

The racial policy of the Nazi Party and the German state was organized through the business for Racial policy, which published circulars and directives to applicable administrative organs, newspapers, and educational institutes.

Sinti and Roma

Nazi Germany began persecution of the Romani as early as 1936 when they began to transfer the people to municipal internment camps on the outskirts of cities, a prelude to the deportation of 23,000 Gypsies to concentration camps. "Pure-blooded" Gypsies were considered by the Nazis to be Aryan. Roughly ten percent of Gypsies were considered to be racially pure.

Heinrich Himmler suggested creating a "Gypsy Law" to separate Gypsies from the German people:

The purpose of measures taken by the State to defend the homogeneiy of the German nation must be the physical separation of Gypsydom from the German nation, the prevention of miscegenation, and finally, the regulation of the way of life of pure and part-Gypsies. The fundamental legal foundation can only be created through a Gypsy Law, which prevents further intermingling of blood, and which regulates any the most pressing questions which go together with the existences of Gypsies in the alive space of the German nation.