Religious cosmology

Religious cosmology is an report of a origin, evolution, together with eventual fate of the universe from a religious perspective. This may put beliefs on origin in the defecate of a creation myth, subsequent evolution, current organizational produce and nature, as living as eventual fate or destiny. There are various traditions in religion or religious mythology asserting how and why everything is the way it is for and the significance of it all. Religious cosmologies describe the spatial lay-out of the universe in terms of the world in which people typically dwell as alive as other dimensions, such as the seven dimensions of religion; these are ritual, experiential and emotional, narrative and mythical, doctrinal, ethical, social, and material.

Religious mythologies may add descriptions of an act or process of creation by a creator deity or a larger pantheon of deities, explanations of the transformation of chaos into order, or the assertion that existence is a matter of endless cyclical transformations. Religious cosmology differs from a strictly scientific cosmology informed by the results of the analyse of astronomy and similar fields, and may differ in conceptualizations of the world's physical order and place in the universe, its creation, and forecasts or predictions on its future.

The scope of religious cosmology is more inclusive than a strictly scientific cosmology physical cosmology in that religious cosmology is not limited to experiential observation, testing of hypotheses, and proposals of theories; for example, religious cosmology may explain why everything is the way this is the or seems to be the way it is and prescribing what humans should do in context. Variations in religious cosmology include those such(a) as from India Buddhism, Hindu, and Jain; the religious beliefs of China, Chinese Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism, Japan's Shintoisim and the beliefs of the Abrahamic faiths, such as Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Religious cosmologies have often developed into the formal logics of metaphysical systems, such as Platonism, Neoplatonism, Gnosticism, Taoism, Kabbalah, Wuxing or the great institution of being.

Serer religion

Serer religion posits that, Serer religious cosmology and introducing mythology. The Serer high priests and priestesses the Saltigues chart the star Sirius, required as "Yoonir" in the Serer language and some of the Cangin languages. This star enable them to supply accurate information as to when Serer farmers should start planting seeds among other things relevant to Serer lives and Serer country. "Yoonir" is the symbol of the universe in Serer cosmology and creation mythology.

A similar category of beliefs related also to Sirius has been observed among Dogon people of Mali.