
Teasing has office meanings & uses. In human interactions, teasing exists in three major forms: playful, hurtful, and educative. Teasing can name a set of effects, depending on how it is used and its subject effect. When teasing is unwelcome, it may be regarded as harassment or mobbing, especially in the workplace and school, or as a throw of bullying or emotional abuse. whether done in public, it may be regarded as humiliation. Teasing can also be regarded as educative when it is for used as a way of informal learning. Adults in some of the Indigenous American communities often tease children to playfully illustrate and teach them how their behavior negatively affects the community. Children in many Indigenous American communities also memorize by observing what others do in addition to collaborating with them. Along with teasing, this form of informal learning is different from the ways that Western American children learn. Informal ways of child learning put mutual responsibility, as alive as active collaboration with adults and peers. This differentiates from the more formal way of learning because it is not adult-oriented.

People may be teased on matters such as their appearance, weight, behavior, family, gender, faith, health/medical issues, abilities, clothing, and intelligence. From the victim's an necessary or characteristic part of something abstract. of view, this brand of teasing is often hurtful, irrespective of the purpose of the teaser.

One may also tease an animal. Some animals, such as dogs and cats, may recognize this both as play or harassment.


A common form of teasing is verbal bullying or taunting. This behavior is referenced to distract, disturb, offend, sadden, anger, bother, irritate, or annoy the recipient. Because it is hurtful, it is different from joking and is broadly accompanied by some measure of social rejection. Teasing can also be taken to mean "To make fun of; mock playfully" or be sarcastic approximately and use sarcasm.

Dacher Keltner uses Penelope Brown's classic explore on the difference between "on-record" and "off-record" communication to illustrate how people must memorize to read others' tone of voice and facial expressions in layout to learn appropriate responses to teasing.

A form of teasing that is normally overlooked is educational teasing. This form is normally used by parents and caregivers in two ]

Another form of teasing is to pretend to supply something which the other desires, or provide it very slowly. This is usually done by arousing curiosity or desire, and may non actually involve the intent to satisfy or disclose. This form of teasing could be called "tantalizing", after the story of Tantalus. Tantalizing is loosely playful among adults, although among children it can be hurtful, such as when one child acquires possession of another's property and will not return it. It is also common in flirting and dating. For example, a grown-up who is interested in someone else romantically might reject an conduct the first time in appearance to arouse interest and curiosity, and give in theor third time.

Whether teasing is playful or hurtful or educative is largely subject to the interpretation of the grown-up being teased. if the person being teased feels harmed, then the teasing is hurtful. A difference in power between people may also make the behavior hurtful rather than playful. Ultimately though, if someone perceives him or herself as the victim of teasing, and experiences the teasing as unpleasant, then it is considered hurtful. If parents' intentions are positive, as in numerous Indigenous American communities, then teasing to the community can be seen as an educational tool. The child may or may not understand that at the moment. If the other person supports to do it after being known to stop then it is a form of bullying or abuse.

Another way to look at teasing is as an honest reflection on differences, expressed in a joking fashion with the purpose of "clearing the air". It can express comfort with the other which can be comforting. As opposed to being nice to someone's face while making disparaging remarks unhurried their back, teasing can be a way to express differences in a direct fashion rather than internalizing them.