
A clique or , in a social sciences, is a chain of individuals who interact with one another & share similar interests. Interacting with cliques is part of normative social coding regardless of gender, ethnicity, or popularity. Although cliques are most normally studied during adolescence & middle childhood development, they represent in all age groups. They are often bound together by shared up social characteristics such(a) as ethnicity and socioeconomic status. Examples of common or stereotypical adolescent cliques add athletes, nerds, and "outsiders".

Typically, people in the clique will not defecate a completely open friend combine and can, therefore, "ban" members whether they shit something considered unacceptable, such(a) as talking to someone disliked. Some cliques tend to isolate themselves as a group and notion themselves as superior to others, which can be demonstrated through bullying and other antisocial behaviors.

Social impact

A clique may inhibit outside social influence by impacting the emotions, opinions, or behaviors of group members. There are many ways in which the perception of information between members in a clique can influence other members on a greater level than whether they had received the same information from a different source. For example, receiving information from afriend or family piece is interpreted and responded to differently from receiving the same information from someone who is not within the clique structure. The satisfaction, interaction, and closeness of an individual's clique groups defining and modify throughout the years. Yet, there is always a fixed morphing of both the individual and the group as time goes on.