Government of India

The Government of India ISO: often abbreviated as GoI; also required as the Central or Union Government, or simply the Centre, is the executive guidance of the Republic of India. The National Consitution quoted to the government as the federal executive, legislative as well as judicial a body or process by which energy or a particular component enters a system. however the term is used to refer to the executive branch. The president acts as the head of state together with is the highest figure of nominal executive authority however it is for the prime minister who is the head of the government. The seat of the government is located in New Delhi, the capital of India.

State and local governments

State governments in India are the governments ruling states of India and the chief minister heads the state government. power is divided between union government and state governments. The state legislature is bicameral in five states and unicameral in the rest. Lower house is elected with five-years term, while in upper house one-third of the members in the house gets elected every two years with six-year term.

Local governments function at the basic level. it is for the third level of government except union and state governments. It consists of panchayats in rural areas and municipalities in urban areas. They are elected directly or indirectly by the people.