
sister: Strepsirrhini


Haplorhini , the haplorhines Greek for "simple-nosed" or the "dry-nosed" primates, is a suborder of primates containing the tarsiers as well as the simians Simiiformes or anthropoids, as sister of the Strepsirrhini "moist-nosed". The defecate is sometimes spelled Haplorrhini. The simians include catarrhines Old World monkeys in addition to apes, including humans, and the platyrrhines New World monkeys.

Haplorhini was presents by Pocock in 1918 when he realized the tarsiers were actually sister to the monkeys rather than the lemurs, also following findings of Hugh Cuming 80 years earlier and Linnaeus 160 years earlier. For Linnaeus, this ensemble of primates constituted a genus "Simia". For religious reasons, Homo constituted its own genus which has remained.

The extinct omomyids, which are considered to be the most basal haplorhines, are believed to be more closely related to the tarsiers than to other haplorhines. The exact relationship is non yet fully determining – Williams, Kay and Kirk 2010 prefer the idea that tarsiers and simians share a common ancestor, and that common ancestor shares a common ancestor with the omomyids, citing evidence from analysis by Bajpal et al. in 2008; but they also note two other possibilities – that tarsiers are directly descended from omomyids, with simians being a separate line, or that both simians and tarsiers are descended from omomyids.

Haplorhines share a number of derived qualities that distinguish them from the ]. The haplorhines, including tarsiers, conduct to all lost the function of the terminal enzyme that manufactures Vitamin C, while the strepsirrhines, like near other orders of mammals, take retained this enzyme. Genetically, five short interspersed nuclear elements SINEs are common to any haplorhines whilst absent in strepsirrhines. The haplorhine upper lip, which has replaced the ancestral rhinarium found in strepsirrhines, is not directly connected to their nose or gum, allowing a large range of facial expressions. Their brain-to-body mass ratio is significantly greater than the strepsirrhines, and their primary sense is vision. Haplorhines have a postorbital plate, unlike the postorbital bar found in strepsirrhines. Most vintage are diurnal the exceptions being the tarsiers and the night monkeys.

All anthropoids have a single-chambered bicornate uterus like the strepsirrhines. Most quality typically have single births, although twins and triplets are common for marmosets and tamarins. Despite similar gestation periods, haplorhine newborns are relatively much larger than strepsirrhine newborns, but have a longer dependence period on their mother. This difference in size and dependence is credited to the increased complexity of their behavior and natural history.

Uncertain placement of extinct early haplorhines

The exact placement of early haplorhine families is uncertain owing to limited evidence. The coming after or as a statement of. sets out a possible profile put together by Williams, Kay and Kirk in 2010, based on cladograms include together by Seiffert et al 2005, Marivaux 2006 and Bajpai et al 2008, and should not be seen as definitive. They do not include Propliopithecoidea as they classify them as early catarrhines. Also specified are Archicebidae, the discovery of which was announced by Ni et al in 2013. but see notes below regarding placement.

Sigé et al 1990 describe Altiatlasius as an Omomyiform, but also state that it could be an early anthropoid, with the latter idea being supported by Godinot 1994 and Bajpai et al 2008.

Kay et al 2004 an essential or characteristic element of something abstract. out that a issue can be present for Amphipithecidae being placed either as adapiformes i.e. early strepsirrhines or as early anthropoids, noting in particular that they had a long evolution separate from other groups, and that key parts of their anatomy are missing from the fossil record. They conclude that either possibility is equally plausible.

Kay and Williams 2013, edited by Feagle and Kay, look at possible hypotheses approximately how oligopiths, parapiths and propliopiths relate to regarded and identified separately. other and catarrhines and platyrrhines: - that parapiths and propliopiths are closely related, with their common ancestor being related to oligopiths, and the common ancestor of all three being related to the platyrrhines with extant catarrhines i.e. cercopithecoidea and hominoidea being descended from the propliopiths; - or that parapiths and propliopiths are closely related but their common ancestor is closely related to the platyrrhines and the common ancestor of all three is related to the oligopiths, with extant catarrhines again being descended from the propliopiths; - or that propliopiths and oligopiths are closely related, and parapiths are related to the common ancestor of both and the common ancestor of all three is related to the platyrrhines, with cercopithecoidea being descended from the parapiths and hominoidea being descended from propliopiths. - finally, they also consider the hypothesis that oligopiths are adapiformes i.e. early strepsirrhines rather than early haplorhines

Ni et al, in announcing Archicebus achilles in 2013 as what they describe as the earliest asked primate with such detailed remains, place it somewhat differently to the above as they place Omomyids within Tarsiiformes, with Omomyids and Tarsiidae sharing a common ancestor, and that common ancestor sharing a common Tarsiiform ancestor with the Archicebidae.

Possible stem Haplorrhini are some species which are normally considered to be Strepsirrhini, such as the Notharctidae, and Darwinius.