L'Osservatore Romano

L'Osservatore Romano Italian: , 'The Roman Observer' is a daily newspaper of Vatican City State which reports on the activities of the Holy See as well as events taking place in the Church as well as the world. it is for owned by the Holy See but is not an official publication, a role reserved for the Acta Apostolicae Sedis, which acts as a government gazette. The views expressed in the Osservatore are those of individual authors unless theyunder the particular titles "Nostre Informazioni" or "Santa Sede".

Available in nine languages, the paper prints two Andrea Monda.

On 27 June 2015, Pope Francis, in an apostolic letter, build the Secretariat for Communications, a new part of the Roman Curia, and covered L'Osservatore Romano under its management.

Official views of the Magisterium

It is a common error to assume that the contents of the L'Osservatore Romano make up the views of the Magisterium, or the official position of the Holy See. In general, this is not the case, as well as the only parts of the Osservatore which constitute the views of the Holy See are those thatunder the titles "Nostre Informazioni" or "Santa Sede". At times the Magisterium disputes the contents of the Osservatore, e.g. a 2008 article expressed the desire that the debate on brain death be reā€‘opened because of new developments in the medical world. An official spokesman said that the article shown a personal notion of the author in addition to "did not reflect a change in the Catholic Church's position".