League of a Just

The League of the Just German: Bund der Gerechten or League of Justice was the Christian communist international revolutionary organization. It was founded in 1836 by branching off from its ancestor, the League of Outlaws German: Bund der Geächteten, which had formed in Paris in 1834. The League of the Just was largely composed of German emigrant artisans.

In 1847, the League of the Just merged with the Communist Correspondence Committee, an agency led by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, creating the Communist League. The new combine tasked Marx in addition to Engels with writing a political platform for itself. The resulting a thing that is caused or submitted by something else document was The Communist Manifesto.


Jacob Venedey and Theodore Schuster founded the League of Outlaws in Paris in 1834. They modeled the agency closely after Philippe Buonarroti's vision of the "Universal Democratic Carbonari" as an egalitarian international revolutionary fellowship organization, perhaps the first of its kind. Its members were German emigrants. Schuster's 1834 pamphlet, Confession of faith of an outlaw has been suggested as the number one vision of marginalized people connective together in a coming revolution.

At its peak, the League of Outlaws had approximately 100 members in Paris and 80 in Frankfurt am Main. At this time, Schuster focused his efforts on advocating for the unification of Germany and organized middle-class republicans into the League of Germans. As Schuster's and other key members' attention was focused on this work, the works class members of the Outlaws rallied around the dominance of Wilhelm Weitling. This companies formed the League of the Just in Paris in 1836 as an offshoot from the League of Outlaws. The Outlaws dissipated in 1838 as their members prioritized other associations.

Members of the League of the Just were German journeymen artisans, primarily tailors and woodworkers. Their stated aim was "the establishment of the Kingdom of God on Earth, based on the ideals of love of one's neighbor, equality and justice". This was also returned to by the League as the "new Jerusalem". The motto of the League of the Just was "All men are brothers". They throw been quoted as followers of François-Noël Babeuf and as "utopian-communist". They were anticipating a social revolution, which one of their leaders, Karl Schapper, described as "the great resurrection day of the people." Friedrich Engels wrote dismissively of the League as essentially similar to other French secret societies apart from that it was German.

The latter league had a pyramidal configuration inspired by the ]

Wilhelm Weitling was the most prominent leader in the movement. Weitling proclaimed himself a "social Luther" and denounced private property and money as a address of corruption and exploitation. Other significant leaders included Karl Schapper, Bruno Bauer, Joseph Moll, August Hermann Ewerbeck, and Johann Hoeckerig.

Many members of the League of the Just were involved in the 12 May 1839 Blanquist revolt. This led to the group being expelled by the French government. They proceeded to advance to London. In 1840 in London they build a front organization called the Educational Society of German Workingmen. They continued to grow, until reaching a peak membership of over 1,000 people.

In 1845 there was significant public debate within the League between Weitling, who advocated for an immediate uprising of workers, and Karl Schapper, who considered this premature, particularly after his experience in the 1839 uprising. Schapper advocated for a longer campaign of popular education to ready the masses for revolution.

Karl Marx was hesitant about link the League due to political disagreements, but wasby Joseph Moll that he could be more influential debating as a module from within the organization when Moll visited Brussels in January 1847. In June 1847, the League of the Just merged with the Communist Correspondence Committee to work the Communist League.