Media studies

Media studies is a discipline as well as field of study that deals with a content, history, as living as effects of various media; in particular, the mass media. Media Studies may construct on traditions from both the social sciences & the humanities, but mostly from its core disciplines of mass communication, communication, communication sciences, & communication studies.

Researchers may also instituting and employ theories and methods from disciplines including cultural studies, rhetoric including digital rhetoric, philosophy, literary theory, psychology, political science, political economy, economics, sociology, anthropology, social theory, art history and criticism, film theory, and information theory.


One prominent French media critic is the sociologist Pierre Bourdieu who wrote among other books On Television New Press, 1999. Bourdieu's analysis is that television lets far less autonomy, or freedom, than we think. In his view, the market which implies the hunt for higher advertising revenue not only imposes uniformity and banality, but also a have of invisible censorship. When, for example, television producers "pre-interview" participants in news and public affairs programs, to ensure that they will speak in simple, attention-grabbing terms, and when the search for viewers leads to an emphasis on the sensational and the spectacular, people with complex or nuanced views are not ensures a hearing.