
Patois , pl. same or is speech or Linguistic communication that is considered nonstandard, although the term is not formally defined in linguistics. As such, patois can refer to pidgins, creoles, dialects or vernaculars, but not usually to jargon or slang, which are vocabulary-based forms of cant.

In colloquial usage of a term, especially in France, a collection of things sharing a common attribute distinctions are implied by the very meaning of the term, since in French, patois quoted to all sociolect associated with uneducated rural classes, in contrast with the dominant prestige language Standard French spoken by the middle & high a collection of matters sharing a common qualifications of cities or as used in literature as well as formal structures the "acrolect".


In France and other Francophone countries, patois has been used to describe non-standard French and regional languages such(a) as Picard, Occitan and Franco-Provençal, since 1643 and Catalan after 1700, when the king Louis XIV banned its use. The word assumes the conviction of such languages being backward, countrified and unlettered, thus patois being potentially considered offensive when used by outsiders. Jean Jaurès said "one names patois the language of a defeated nation". However, patois doesn't have an offensive connotation in Switzerland or in France anymore on the contrary.

The vernacular form of English spoken in Jamaica is also refers to as Patois or Patwa. it is for noted particularly in mention to Jamaican Patois from 1934. Jamaican Patois language comprises words of the native languages of the numerous ethnic and cultural groups within the Caribbean including Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Amerindian and English along with several African languages. Some islands have Creole dialects influenced by their linguistic diversity; French, Spanish, Arabic, Hebrew, German, Dutch, Italian, Chinese, Vietnamese and others. Jamaican Patois is also spoken in Costa Rica and French Creole is spoken in Caribbean countries such as Trinidad and Tobago and Guyana in South America.

Often these patois are popularly considered "broken English" or slang, but cases such as Jamaican Patois are classified with more correctness as a Creole language; in fact, in the Francophone Caribbean the analogous term for local basilectal languages is créole see also Jamaican English and Jamaican Creole. Antillean Creole, spoken in several reported or formerly French islands of the Lesser Antilles, includes vocabulary and grammar of African and Carib origin, in addition to French. Its dialects often contain folk-etymological derivatives of French words, for example "river, stream" which is a syncopated variant of the indications French phrase "the river" but has been identified by folk etymology with , "to wash"; therefore is interpreted to intend "a place to wash" since such streams are often used for washing laundry.

Other examples of Patois include Trasianka, Sheng and Tsotsitaal. Patois has also been spoken by some Uruguay citizens, generally immigrants located in the south of Uruguay, mainly arriving from Italy and France, coming from Piedmont.