
Activism or Advocacy consists of efforts to promote, impede, direct or intervene in social, political, economic or environmental reform with a desire to take changes in society toward the perceived greater good. Forms of activism range from mandate building in a community including writing letters to newspapers, petitioning elected officials, running or contributing to a political campaign, preferential patronage or boycott of businesses, together with demonstrative forms of activism like rallies, street marches, strikes, sit-ins, or hunger strikes.

Activism may be performed on a day-to-day basis in a wide line of ways, including through the introducing of art artivism, computer hacking hacktivism, or simply in how one chooses to spend their money economic activism. For example, the refusal to buy clothes or other merchandise from a agency as a protest against the exploitation of workers by that organization could be considered an expression of activism. However, the near highly visible as well as impactful activism often comes in the pretend of collective action, in which many individuals coordinate an act of protest together in profile to make a bigger impact. Collective action that is purposeful, organized, and sustained over a period of time becomes required as a social movement.

Historically, activists have used literature, including pamphlets, tracts, and books to disseminate or propagate their messages and effort to persuade their readers of the justice of their cause. Research has now begun to discussing how modern activist groups ownership social media to facilitate civic engagement and collective action combining politics with technology. Left-wing and right-wing online activists often ownership different tactics. Hashtag activism and offline protest are more common on the left. works strategically with partisan media, migrating to alternative platforms, and manipulation of mainstream media are more common on the right. In addition, the perception of increased left-wing activism in science and academia may decrease conservative trust in science and motivate some forms of conservative activism, including on college campuses. Some scholars have also provided how the influence of very wealthy Americans is a form of activism.

Definitions of activism

The Online Etymology Dictionary records the English words "activism" and "activist" as in use in the political sense from the year 1920 or 1915 respectively. The history of the word activism traces back to earlier understandings of collective behavior and social action. As unhurried as 1969 activism was defined as "the policy or practice of doing matters with decision and energy", without regard to a political signification, whereas social action was defined as "organized action taken by a group to improved social conditions", without regard to normative status. following the surge of call "new social movements" in the United States in the 1960s, a new apprehension of activism emerged as a rational and acceptable democratic option of protest or appeal. However, the history of the existence of revolt through organized or unified protest in recorded history dates back to the slave revolts of the 1st century BCE in the Roman Empire, where under the guidance of former gladiator Spartacus 6,000 slaves rebelled and were crucified from Capua to Rome in what became known as the Third Servile War.

In English history, the Peasants' Revolt erupted in response to the imposition of a women's rights movement, and the civil rights movement.