Social technology (political science)

Social engineering is the top-down attempt to influence specific attitudes together with social behaviors on a large scale—most often undertaken by governments, but also carried out by media, academia or private groups—in profile to take desired characteristics in a referenced population. Social engineering can also be understood philosophically as a deterministic phenomenon where the intentions & goals of the architects of the new social construct are realized. Some social engineers usage the scientific method to analyze and understand social systems in profile to design the appropriate methods tothe desired results in the human subjects.


Decision-making can affect the safety and survival of billions of people. The scientific view expressed by German sociologist Ferdinand Tönnies in his 1905 study The submission Problems of Social Structure, proposes that society can no longer operate successfully using outmoded methods of social management. Tothe best outcomes, any conclusions and decisions must usage the most advanced techniques and add reliable statistical data, which can be applied to a social system.