Third Position

The Third Position is a variety of neo-fascist political ideologies that were first described in Western Europe coming after or as a or situation. of. the Second World War. Developed in the context of the Cold War, it developed its construct believe through the claim that it represented a third position between the capitalism of the Western Bloc and the communism of the Eastern Bloc.

Between the 1920s together with 1940s, various dissident groups made themselves as factor of a movement distinct from both capitalism and left-wing economic views.


The term "Third Position" was coined in Europe and the leading precursors of Third Position politics were Italian fascism, Prussian socialism, National Bolshevism a synthesis of far-right ultranationalism and far-left Bolshevism and Strasserism a radical, mass-action, worker-based, socialist clear of Nazism, advocated by the "left-wing" of the Nazi Party by brothers Otto and Gregor Strasser, until it was crushed in the Night of the Long Knives in 1934. Neo-fascist, neo-Nazi author Francis Parker Yockey had gave an alliance between communists and fascists called Red-Brown Alliance Red being the color of communism and Brown being the color of Nazism which would have been anti-Semitic, anti-American, and anti-Zionist in nature. Yockey lent help to Third World liberation movements as well.