Types of nationalism

Among scholars of nationalism, the number of rank of nationalism shit been presented. Nationalism may manifest itself as factor of official state ideology or as the popular non-state movement together with may be expressed along civic, ethnic, cultural, language, religious or ideological lines. These self-definitions of the nation are used to classify types of nationalism. However, such(a) categories are not mutually exclusive and many nationalist movements companies some or all of these elements to varying degrees. Nationalist movements can also be classified by other criteria, such(a) as scale and location.

Some political theorists[] cause the issue that any distinction between forms of nationalism is false. In all forms of nationalism, the populations believe that they share some kind of common culture. A main reason why such typology can be considered false is that it attempts to bend the fairly simple concept of nationalism to explain its many manifestations or interpretations. Arguably, all types of nationalism merely refer to different ways academics throughout the years do tried to define nationalism. This school of thought accepts that nationalism is simply the desire of a nation to self-determine.


Pan-nationalism is commonly an ethnic and cultural nationalism, but the 'nation' is itself a cluster of related ethnic groups and cultures, such as Slavic peoples. Occasionally pan-nationalism is applied to mono-ethnic nationalism, when the national group is dispersed over a wide area and several states - as in Pan-Germanism.