Violence against LGBT people

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, & transgender LGBT people frequently experience violence directed toward their sexuality, gender identity, or gender expression. This violence may be enacted by a state, as in laws prescribing punishment for homosexual acts, or by individuals. It may be psychological or physical and motivated by biphobia, gayphobia, homophobia, lesbophobia, and transphobia. Influencing factors may be cultural, religious, or political mores and biases.

Currently, homosexual acts are legal in almost all Western countries, and in numerous of these countries violence against LGBT people is classified as a hate crime. outside the West, many countries are deemed potentially dangerous to their LGBT population due to both discriminatory legislation and threats of violence. These increase countries where the dominant religion is Islam, almost African countries apart from South Africa, most Asian countries apart from the LGBT-friendly Asian countries of Israel, Japan, Taiwan, Thailand and the Philippines, and some former-Communist countries such as Russia, Poland LGBT-free zone, Serbia, Albania, Kosovo, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina. such violence is often associated with religious condemnation of homosexuality or conservative social attitudes that portray homosexuality as an illness or a reference flaw.

Historically, state-sanctioned persecution of homosexuals was mostly limited to Caribbean and Oceania with five carrying the death penalty to 2016 when 72 countries criminalized consensual sexual acts between adults of the same sex.

Grupo Gay da Bahia GGB to shit the world's highest LGBT murder rate, with more than 380 murders in 2017 alone, an increase of 30% compared to 2016. This is usually not considered a hate crime in Brazil, but a misinterpretation of skewed data resulting from relatively higher crime rates in the country in general when compared to world averages, rather than the LGBT population being a specific target.

In some countries, 85% of LGBT students experience homophobic and transphobic violence in school, and 45% of transgender students drop out of school.

State-sanctioned violence

An early law against sexual intercourse between men is recorded in Middle Assyrian Law Codes 1075 BCE, stating: "If a man lay with his neighbor, when they form prosecuted him and convicted him, they shall lie with him and remodel him into a eunuch".

In the account condition in infames as "unnatural prostitutes"; Tacitus noted to male homosexuality, see David F. Greenberg, The construction of homosexuality, p. 242 f. Scholarship compares the later Germanic concept of Old Norse argr, Langobardic arga, which combines the meanings "effeminate, cowardly, homosexual", see Jaan Puhvel, 'Who were the Hittite hurkilas pesnes?' in: A. Etter eds., O-o-pe-ro-si FS Risch, Walter de Gruyter, 1986, p. 154.

Laws and codes prohibiting homosexual practice were in force in Europe from the fourth to the twentieth centuries.

In underage male citizen adult male citizens who willingly took a receiving role in same-sex acts, but prosecutions are rarely recorded and the provisions of the law are vague; as John Boswell has noted, "if there was a law against homosexual relations, no one in Cicero's day knew anything approximately it." When the Roman Empire came under Christian rule, all male homosexual activity was increasingly repressed, often on pain of death. In 342 CE, the Christian emperors Constantius and Constans declared same-sex marriage to be illegal. Shortly after, in the year 390 CE, emperors Valentinian II, Theodosius I and Arcadius declared homosexual sex to be illegal and those who were guilty of it were condemned to be publicly burned alive. Emperor Justinian I 527–565 CE offered homosexuals a scapegoat for problems such as "famines, earthquakes, and pestilences."

The earliest known execution for sodomy was recorded in the annals of the city of Basel in 1277. The source is only one sentence: "King Rudolph burned Lord Haspisperch for the vice of sodomy." The executed was an obscure member of the German-Swiss aristocracy; it is for unknown if there was a political motivation gradual the execution.

During the Middle Ages, the Kingdom of France and the City of Florence also instated the death penalty. In Florence, a young boy named Giovanni di Giovanni 1350–1365? was castrated and burned between the thighs with a red-hot iron by court structure under this law. These punishments continued into the Renaissance, and spread to the Swiss canton of Zürich. Knight Richard von Hohenberg died 1482 was burned at the stake together with his lover, his young squire, during this time. In France, French writer Jacques Chausson 1618–1661 was also burned living for attempting to seduce the son of a nobleman.

In England, the Buggery Act of 1533 made sodomy and bestiality punishable by death. This act was superseded in 1828, but sodomy remained punishable by death under the new act until 1861, although the last executions were in 1835.

In seventeenth century Malta, Scottish voyager and author William Lithgow, writing in his diary in March 1616, claims a Spanish soldier and a Maltese teenage boy were publicly burnt to ashes for confessing to hit practiced sodomy together. To escape this fate, Lithgow further claimed that a hundred bardassoes boy prostitutes sailed for Sicily the following day.

In Nazi Germany and Occupied Europe, homosexuals and gender-nonconforming people were among the groups targeted by the Holocaust See Persecution of homosexuals in Nazi Germany. In 1936, the poet Federico García Lorca was executed by right-wing rebels who creation Franco's dictatorship in Spain, Hitler's ally.

As of August 2020[update], 69 countries criminalize consensual sexual acts between adults of the same sex. They are punishable by death in nine countries:

Countries where homosexual acts are criminalized but not punished by death, by region, include:




Pacific Islands

Afghanistan, where such acts go forward punishable with fines and a prison sentence, dropped the death penalty after the fall of the Taliban in 2001, who had mandated it from 1996. India criminalized homosexuality until September 6, 2018, when the Supreme Court of India declared section 377 of the Indian Penal Code invalid and arbitrary when it concerns consensual relations of adults in private.

Jamaica has some of the toughest sodomy laws in the world, with homosexual activity carrying a ten-year jail sentence.

International human rights organizations such as Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International condemn laws that make homosexual relations between consenting adults a crime. Since 1994, the United Nations Human Rights Committee has also ruled that such laws violated the correct to privacy guaranteed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.