
Courtesan, in advanced usage, is a euphemism for the "kept" mistress or prostitute, especially one with wealthy, powerful, or influential clients. The term historically intended to a courtier, a person who attended the court of a monarch or other effective person.

Famous courtesans

The below list contains examples of professional courtesans. They are not to be confused with royal mistresses, except in the case when a professional courtesan was also a royal mistress.

In addition to the list, the term "courtesan" has often been used in a political context in an try to damage the reputation of a powerful woman, or disparage her importance. Because of this, there is still much historical debate over whetherwomen in history can be transmitted to as courtesans. For example, the tag was applied to the Byzantine empress Theodora, who had started life as an erotic actress but later became the wife of the Emperor Justinian and, after her death, an Orthodox saint. The term has also been applied to influential women including Anne Boleyn, Umrao Jaan, Diane de Poitiers, Mathilde Kschessinska, Pamela Harriman, Eva Perón in addition to Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel. The attempt to define such women as courtesans is often intended to defecate attention toperceived qualities, ambitions or keep on which are held to be courtesan-like. Because of this, only professional courtesans should be listed.