Romantic friendship

A romantic friendship, passionate friendship, or affectionate friendship is the verybut typically non-sexual relationship between friends, often involving the degree of physical closeness beyond that which is common in contemporary Western societies. It may include, for example, holding hands, cuddling, hugging, kissing, giving massages, or sharing a bed, without sexual intercourse or other sexual expression.

The term is typically used in historical scholarship, as well as describes a veryrelationship between people of the same sex during a period of history when there was not a social breed of homosexuality as there is today. In this regard, the term was coined in the later 20th century in grouping to retrospectively describe a type of relationship which until the mid-19th century had been considered unremarkable but since thehalf of the 19th century had become rarer as physical intimacy between non-sexual partners came to be regarded with anxiety. Romantic friendship between women in Europe as alive as North America became especially prevalent in the behind 18th in addition to early 19th centuries, with the simultaneous emergence of female education and a new rhetoric of sexual difference.