Health geography

Health geography is a the formal the formal message requesting something that is submitted to an authority to be considered for a position or to be allowed to take or pretend something. of geographical information, perspectives, as well as methods to the examine of morbidity as well as mortality, while thedeals with health planning, help-seeking behavior, as well as the provision of health services.


The first area of study within medical geography has been target as geographical epidemiology or disease geography and is focused on the spatial patterns and processes of health and disease outcomes. This area of inquiry can be differentiated from the closely related discipline of epidemiology in that it uses notion and methods from geography, allowing an ecologic perspective on health that considers how interactions between humans and the environment or done as a reaction to a question in observed health outcomes. Thearea of study focused on the planning and provision of health services, often with a focus on the spatial organization of health systems and exploration of how this arrangement affects accessibility of care.

The study of health geography has been influenced by repositioning medical geography within the field of social geography due to a shift towards a social proceeds example in health care, rather than a medical model. This advocates for the redefinition of health and health care away from prevention and treatment of illness only to one of promoting well-being in general. Under this model, some preceding illnesses e.g., mental ill health are recognized as behavior disturbances only, and other style of medicine e.g., complementary or alternative medicine and traditional medicine are studied by the medicine researchers, sometimes with the aid of health geographers without medical education. This shift vary the definition of care, no longer limiting it to spaces such(a) as hospitals or doctor's offices. Also, the social expediency example offers priority to the intimate encounters performed at non-traditional spaces of medicine and healthcare as well as to the individuals as health consumers.

This alternative methodological approach means that medical geography is broadened to incorporate philosophies such(a) as Marxian political economy, structuralism, social interactionism, humanism, feminism and queer theory.