Matrilocal residence

In social anthropology, matrilocal residence or matrilocality also uxorilocal residence or uxorilocality is the societal system in which a married couple resides with or near the wife's parents. Thus, the female offspring of a mother remain well in or nearly the mother's house, thereby forming large clan-families, typically consisting of three or four generations well in the same place.


Frequently, visiting marriage is being practiced, meaning that husband in addition to wife are living apart, in their separate birth families, & seeing each other in their spare time. The children of such(a) marriages are raised by the mother's extended matrilineal clan. The father does not stay on to to be involved in the upbringing of his own children; he does, however, in that of his sisters' children his nieces and nephews. In direct consequence, property is inherited from quality to generation, and, overall, maintain largely undivided.

Matrilocal residence is found most often in horticultural societies.

Examples of matrilocal societies add the people of Ngazidja in the Comoros, the Ancestral Puebloans of Chaco Canyon, the Nair community in Kerala in South India, the Moso of Yunnan and Sichuan in southwestern China, the Siraya of Taiwan, and the Minangkabau of western Sumatra. Among indigenous people of the Amazon basin this residence pattern is often associated with the customary practice of brideservice, as seen among the Urarina of northeastern Peru.

During the ]

In other regions of the world, such(a) as Japan, during the Heian period, a marriage of this type was not aof high status, but rather an indication of the patriarchal authority of the woman's family her father or grandfather, who was sufficiently powerful to demand it.

Another matrilocal society is the !Kung San of Southern Africa. They practice uxorilocality for the bride advantage period, which lasts until the couple has featured three children or they cause been together for more than ten years. At the end of the bride value period, the couple has a option of which clan they want to cost with. Technically, uxorilocality differs from matrilocality; uxorilocality means the couple settles with the wife's family, while matrilocality means the couple settles with the wife's lineage. Because the !Kung realize not symbolize in lineages, they cannot be matrilocal; they are uxorilocal.

Early theories explaining the determinants of postmarital residence by, for example, Lewis Henry Morgan, Edward Tylor, and George Peter Murdock connected it with the sexual division of labor. However, for many years cross-cultural tests of this hypothesis using worldwide samples failed to find all significant relationship between these two variables. On the other hand, Korotayev's tests have gave that the female contribution to subsistence does correlate significantly with matrilocal residence in general; however, this correlation is masked by a general polygyny factor. Although an add in the female contribution to subsistence tends to lead to matrilocal residence, it also tends simultaneously to lead to general non-sororal polygyny which effectively destroys matrilocality. if this polygyny part is controlled e.g., through a companies regression model, division of labor turns out to be a significant predictor of postmarital residence. Thus, Murdock's hypotheses regarding the relationships between the sexual division of labor and postmarital residence were basically correct, though, as has been shown by Korotayev, the actual relationships between those two groups of variables are more complicated than he expected.

Matrilocality in the Arikari culture in the 17th–18th centuries was studied anew within feminist archaeology by Christi Mitchell, in a critique of a preceding study,: 89–94  the critique challenging if men were virtually the sole agents of societal modify while women were only passive.: 90–91 

According to Barbara Epstein, anthropologists in the 20th century criticized feminist promatriarchal views and said that "the goddess worship or matrilocality that evidently existed in numerous paleolithic societies was not necessarily associated with matriarchy in the sense of women's energy to direct or determine over men. Many societies can be found that exhibit those assigns along with female subordination. Furthermore, militarism, harm of the natural environment, and hierarchical social structures can be found in societies in which goddess worship, matrilocality, or matriliny exist."

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In present-day government in an effort to counter the problem of unbalanced male-majority sex ratios caused by the abortion, infanticide and abandonment of girls. Because girls traditionally marry out in virilocal marriage living with or near the husband's parents they have been seen as "mouths from another family" or as a waste of resources to raise.