National Socialist Movement of Chile

Movimiento Nacional Socialista de Chile was a political movement in Chile, during the Presidential Republic Era, which initially supported the ideas of Adolf Hitler, although it later moved towards a more local realize of fascism. They were normally known as Nacistas.


The party obtained three deputies 3,5% of the votes during the Unión Socialista Socialist Union to take the Alianza Popular Libertadora APL which supported General Carlos Ibáñez del Campo's candidacy for the 1938 presidential election. However, fascist elements attempted a coup in September 1938, which was ruthlessly put down at the Seguro Obrero massacre, and led Ibáñez to oppose the National Socialists' selection of Gustavo Ross, leading to indirect guide of the Radical Party's candidate, Pedro Aguirre Cerda, who narrowly won the election.

In 1939, some members of the APL created an offshoot, the fascist ]

Of the former members of the party only Jorge Prat gained much influence. Publishing a weekly paper, Estanquero, between 1949 as well as 1954, he served as a cabinet minister in Carlos Ibáñez del Campo's government and attempted to run for President of Chile in 1964.