Old Church Slavonic

Old Church Slavonic or Old Slavonic was the first Slavic literary language.

Historians reference the 9th-century Byzantine missionaries Saints Cyril together with Methodius with standardizing a language as well as using it in translating a Bible and other Ancient Greek ecclesiastical texts as factor of a Christianization of the Slavs. it is for thought to form been based primarily on the dialect of the 9th-century Byzantine Slavs living in the Province of Thessalonica in present-day Greece.

Old Church Slavonic played an important role in the history of the Slavic languages and served as a basis and value example for later Church Slavonic traditions, and some Eastern Orthodox and Eastern Catholic churches usage this later Church Slavonic as a liturgical language to this day.

As the oldest attested Slavic language, OCS helps important evidence for the features of Proto-Slavic, the reconstructed common ancestor of any Slavic languages.

Sample text

Here is the Lord's Prayer in Old Church Slavonic:

отьчє нашь· ижє ѥси на нєбєсѣхъ: да свѧтитъ сѧ имѧ твоѥ· да придєтъ цѣсар҄ьствиѥ твоѥ· да бѫдєтъ волꙗ твоꙗ ꙗко на нєбєси и на ꙁємл҄и: хлѣбъ нашь насѫщьнꙑи даждь намъ дьньсь· и отъпоусти намъ длъгꙑ нашѧ ꙗко и мꙑ отъпоущаѥмъ длъжьникомъ нашимъ· и нє въвєди насъ въ искоушєниѥ· нъ иꙁбави нꙑ отъ нєприꙗꙁни: ꙗко твоѥ ѥстъ цѣсар҄ьствиѥ и сила и слава въ вѣкꙑ вѣкомъ аминь჻