
Paleoanthropology or paleo-anthropology is a branch of hominization, through a reconstruction of evolutionary kinship sorting within the brand Hominidae, works from biological evidence such(a) as petrified skeletal remains, bone fragments, footprints as living as cultural evidence such(a) as stone tools, artifacts, together with settlement localities.

The field draws from and combines primatology, paleontology, biological anthropology, and cultural anthropology. As technologies and methods advance, genetics plays an ever-increasing role, in specific to analyse and compare DNA configuration as a vital tool of research of the evolutionary kinship lines of related types and genera.

Hominoid taxonomies

Hominoids are a primate superfamily, the hominid family is currently considered to comprise both the great ape lineages and human lineages within the hominoid superfamily. The "Homininae" comprise both the human lineages and the African ape lineages. The term "African apes" refers only to chimpanzees and gorillas. The terminology of the immediate biological family is currently in flux. The term "hominin" noted to any genus in the human tribe Hominini, of which Homo sapiens innovative humans is the only alive specimen.