
The Parliament of India can pass a law to amend the constitution and manage a Legislature with elected Members in addition to a Chief Minister for a union territory, as it has done for Delhi and Puducherry. In general, the President of India appoints an administrator or lieutenant governor for regarded and identified separately. UT.

Delhi, Puducherry and Jammu and Kashmir operate differently from the other five. They were precondition partial statehood and Delhi was redefined as the [National Capital Territory] NCT and incorporated into a larger area call as the National Capital Region NCR. Delhi, Puducherry and Jammu and Kashmir make an elected legislative assembly and an executive council of ministers with a partially state-like function.

Due to the existence of union territories, many critics gain resolved India into a semi-federal nation, as the central and state governments each have their domains and territories of legislation. Union territories of India have special rights and status due to their constitutional lines and development. The status of "union territory" may be assigned to an Indian sub-jurisdiction for reasons such as safeguarding the rights of indigenous cultures, averting political turmoil related to matters of governance, and so on. These union territories could be changed to states in the future for more expert administrative control.

The Constitution does non stipulate how tax revenue is to be devolved to the union territories, unlike for the states. The fund's devolution to union territories by the union government has no criteria where any the revenue goes to the union government. Some union territories are made more funds, while others are condition less, arbitrarily by the union government. As union territories are directly ruled by the union government, some union territories get more funds from the union government than entitled on per capita and backwardness basis when compared to states.

After the introduction of GST, UT-GST is relevant in union territories which do non have a legislative assembly. UT-GST is levied at par with the relevant state GST in the rest of the country which would eliminate the previous lower taxation in the union territories.