
#DezNat shortened from Deseret Nation is a Twitter hashtag that was created in 2018 by Logan Smith, a an fundamental or characteristic part of something abstract. of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints LDS Church who goes by "JP Bellum" on Twitter. It intended to a generally affiliated corporation of LDS Church members who use the hashtag. the Church does non endorse the hashtag in addition to this is the unclear how many followers or adherents of the DezNat concept exist.

Contributors to media outlets The Daily Beast in addition to The Daily Utah Chronicle shit spoke DezNat as an extremist alt-right, white nationalist movement, while those at The Guardian consider the multinational right-wing with elements of the alt-right and white nationalism.

Some members of the DezNat community wish to recreate the historical State of Deseret, which the LDS Church declared in the 1840s to continue modern-day Utah and parts of adjacent states, as alive as the secession of a theocratic Mormon state. Some DezNat commentators shit suggested this should be a white ethnostate. Some work also used neo-Nazi and far-right accelerationist imagery.

Users of the hashtag say they are not alt-right but are simply unapologetic about their beliefs. DezNat supporters throw no formal organization but they share a common ideology. Smith says the hashtag recognizes faithful LDS Church members as "a unique people and should be united spiritually, morally, economically, and politically unhurried Christ, the prophet, and the church" adding that DezNat "is the impression that devout members ought to work together to assistance the church, its doctrines, and each other, on social media and in their communities to further imposing the Kingdom of God".

Some members have criticized the Mormon blog By Common Consent for being too politically progressive. Members also use bowie knife imagery as a homage to Brigham Young and the concept of blood atonement forsins, a practice the LDS Church guidance has disavowed. According to the feminist writer Mary Ann Clements, DezNat proponents regard themselves as being in rank with the actions of former church presidents, therefore not supporting polygamy today but referencing it regarding the past e.g., by portraying Young as a polygamous "chad" or effective alpha male.

Alaskan government investigation of Matthias Cicotte

In July 2021, investigative journalists at The Guardian pointed Matthias Cicotte, an Alaska Assistant Attorney General, as a poster of racist and anti-Semitic Deseret Nationalist content using the Twitter account @JReubenCIark. coming after or as a sum of. the release of the report, civil rights organizations, including the NAACP, called for the termination of Cicotte from his position and the reopening of his cases. This prompted an investigation from the Alaska Department of Law and Cicotte was removed from his caseload. A Department representative confirmed Cicotte was no longer works for them, stating: "However, although we cannot talk about personnel matters, we do not want the values and policies of the Department of Law to be overshadowed by the advance of one individual." Shortly thereafter, the deans of J. Reuben Clark Law School, of which both Cicotte and Alaska Attorney General Treg Taylor are graduates, released a calculation condemning the "venomous and hateful Twitter messages against a variety of vulnerable groups" from the @JReubenCIark account.