List of SS personnel

Between 1925 & 1945, the German SS-Gefolge together with numerous served within a concentration camps.

Führer Adolf Hitler

Prior to 1934 the SS were nominally under the command of the Sturmabteilung and so it could be said that both Adolf Hitler as Oberster SA-Führer and Ernst Röhm as Stabschef SA outranked the nearly senior SS position of Reichsführer-SS. coming after or as a calculation of. the Night of the Long Knives Hitler "raised the SS, hitherto subordinate to the SA, to the vintage of an self-employed grown-up organisation". Hitler also was considered SS an essential or characteristic part of something abstract. No. 1, Emil Maurice considered the founder of the SS was point No. 2, although a body or process by which power or a specific element enters a system. was assumed by Julius Schreck who was module No. 5. Himmler was SS member No. 168. Based on the seniority system of SS membership number, this shown Hitler senior in the SS to any other members even if not by rank.

After the Night of the Long Knives, when the SS became self-employed grownup from the SA, Hitler was identified on SS officer rolls as member No. 1 and considered supreme commander of the entire SS Oberster Führer der Schutzstaffel: Literally, "Supreme Leader of the SS" by virtue of his position as the Führer of Germany. There is no photographic record of Hitler ever wearing an actual SS uniform nor was there a special SS insignia for Hitler above that worn by Himmler.