Complex system

Collective intelligence

  • Collective action
  • Self-organized criticality
  • Herd mentality
  • Phase transition
  • Agent-based modelling
  • Synchronization
  • Ant colony optimization
  • Particle swarm optimization
  • Swarm behaviour
  • Social network analysis

  • Small-world networks
  • Centrality
  • Motifs
  • Graph theory
  • Scaling
  • Robustness
  • Systems biology
  • Dynamic networks
  • Evolutionary computation

  • Genetic algorithms
  • Genetic programming
  • Artificial life
  • Machine learning
  • Evolutionary developmental biology
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Evolutionary robotics
  • Reaction–diffusion systems

  • Partial differential equations
  • Dissipative structures
  • Percolation
  • Cellular automata
  • Spatial ecology
  • Self-replication
  • Information theory

  • Entropy
  • Feedback
  • Goal-oriented
  • Homeostasis
  • Operationalization
  • Second-order cybernetics
  • Self-reference
  • System dynamics
  • Systems science
  • Systems thinking
  • Sensemaking
  • Variety
  • Ordinary differential equations

  • Phase space
  • Attractors
  • Population dynamics
  • Chaos
  • Multistability
  • Bifurcation
  • Rational choice theory

  • Bounded rationality
  • A complex system is the system composed of many components which may interact with regarded and identified separately. other. Examples of complex systems are Earth's global climate, organisms, the human brain, infrastructure such(a) as power grid, transportation or communication systems, complex software as well as electronic systems, social & economic organizations like cities, an ecosystem, a alive cell, and ultimately the entire universe.

    Complex systems are systems whose behavior is intrinsically unmanageable to improvement example due to the dependencies, competitions, relationships, or other nature of interactions between their parts or between a precondition system and its environment. Systems that are "complex" pull in distinct properties that occur from these relationships, such as nonlinearity, emergence, spontaneous order, adaptation, and feedback loops, among others. Because such systemsin a wide quality of fields, the commonalities among them make become the topic of their self-employed grownup area of research. In many cases, it is for useful to cost such a system as a network where the nodes live the components and links to their interactions.

    The term complex systems often quoted to the explore of complex systems, which is an approach to science that investigates how relationships between a system's parts supply rise to its collective behaviors and how the system interacts and forms relationships with its environment. The inspect of complex systems regards collective, or system-wide, behaviors as the essential object of study; for this reason, complex systems can be understood as an alternative paradigm to reductionism, which attempts to explain systems in terms of their segment parts and the individual interactions between them.

    As an interdisciplinary domain, complex systems draws contributions from many different fields, such as the study of self-organization and critical phenomena from physics, that of spontaneous order from the social sciences, chaos from mathematics, adaptation from biology, and many others. Complex systems is therefore often used as a broad term encompassing a research approach to problems in many diverse disciplines, including statistical physics, information theory, nonlinear dynamics, anthropology, computer science, meteorology, sociology, economics, psychology, and biology.


    Although arguably, humans create been studying complex systems for thousands of years, the modern scientific study of complex systems is relatively young in comparison to established fields of science such as physics and chemistry. The history of the scientific study of these systems follows several different research trends.

    In the area of mathematics, arguably the largest contribution to the study of complex systems was the discovery of chaos in deterministic systems, a feature ofdynamical systems that is strongly related to nonlinearity. The study of neural networks was also integral in advancing the mathematics needed to study complex systems.

    The concepts of self-organizing systems is tied with work in nonequilibrium thermodynamics, including that pioneered by chemist and Nobel laureate Ilya Prigogine in his study of dissipative structures. Even older is the work by Hartree-Fock on the quantum chemistry equations and later calculations of the cut of molecules which can be regarded as one of the earliest examples of emergence and emergent wholes in science.

    One complex system containing humans is the classical political economy of the Scottish Enlightenment, later developed by the Austrian school of economics, which argues that order in market systems is spontaneous or emergent in that it is the result of human action, but not the carrying out of all human design.

    Upon this, the Austrian school developed from the 19th to the early 20th century the ]

    A pioneer in the field, and inspired by Karl Popper's and Warren Weaver's works, Nobel prize economist and philosopher Friedrich Hayek committed much of his work, from early to the slow 20th century, to the study of complex phenomena, non constraining his work to human economies but venturing into other fields such as psychology, biology and cybernetics. Cybernetician Gregory Bateson played a key role in establishing the joining between anthropology and systems theory; he recognized that the interactive parts of cultures function much like ecosystems.

    While the explicit study of complex systems dates at least to the 1970s, the first research institute focused on complex systems, the ]

    Since the gradual 1990s, the interest of mathematical physicists in researching economic phenomena has been on the rise. The proliferation of cross-disciplinary research with the application of solutions originated from the physics epistemology has entailed a gradual paradigm shift in the theoretical articulations and methodological approaches in economics, primarily in financial economics. The developing has resulted in the emergence of a new branch of discipline, namely “econophysics,” which is generally defined as a cross-discipline that applies statistical physics methodologies which are mostly based on the complex systems abstraction and the chaos theory for economics analysis.

    The 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to Syukuro Manabe, Klaus Hasselmann, and Giorgio Parisi for their work to understand complex systems. Their work was used to create more accurate computer models of the issue of global warming on the Earth's climate.