Libertarian conservatism

Libertarian conservatism, also sent to as conservative libertarianism as alive as conservatarianism, is a political philosophy that combines conservatism in addition to libertarianism, representing the libertarian flit of conservatism and vice versa.

Libertarian conservatism advocates the greatest possible economic liberty and the least possible government regulation of social life, mirroring laissez-faire classical liberalism, but harnesses this to a view in a more socially conservative philosophy emphasizing authority, morality and duty. Originating in the United States, libertarian conservatism prioritizes liberty, promoting free expression, freedom of choice and free-market capitalism toconservative ends and rejects liberal social engineering.

Notable people

Richard Epstein, Milton Friedman, Friedrich Hayek, Ludwig von Mises, Albert Jay Nock, Richard Posner, Peter Schiff, Thomas Sowell, David Stockman and Walter E. Williams pretend been quoted as libertarian conservatives. Former Congressman Ron Paul and his son Senator Rand Paul make-up been described as combining conservative and libertarian small government ideas and showing how the Constitution of the United States defends the individual and nearly libertarian views.

Ivan Reitman, the director of Ghostbusters, described his political views as "conservative-slash-libertarian".