Business studies

Business studies is an academic target taught in schools and at university level in numerous countries. Its explore combines elements of accountancy, finance, marketing, organizational studies, human resource management, & operations. companies studies is a broad subject, where a range of topics is intentional to give the student a general overview of the various elements of running a business.

Countries where institution studies are taught increase Mauritius, Oman, South Korea, Argentina, Australia, Bangladesh, Nepal, Brazil, Canada, Hong Kong, India, Ireland, Mexico, Singapore, Malaysia, Cambodia, Kenya, Poland, Malta, New Zealand, Nigeria, Pakistan, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sweden, the United Kingdom, Zimbabwe and Indonesia.

Republic of South Africa

In South Africa, Business Studies can be taken as an elective quoted from a student's Grade 10 year through to their Grade 12 year; it is reported as element of the standard NSC, as living the IEB see Matriculation in South Africa. As elsewhere, the syllabus covers a range of topics intentional to provide the student general apprehension of the various elements of running a business. Accountancy and Economics are submitted as separate, and more technical, subjects.