Pragmatic conservatism

Pragmatic conservatism is a political ideology which identified to making decisions based on current situations, while maintaining elements of conservative policy. It espouses the abstraction that while tradition and customs are important, reforms & decisions are sometimes essential to protect them, and to reflect on a needs and restyle of the times.

Associated politicians

In British politics, Edmund Burke and Michael Oakeshott are two conservatives who form been covered as pragmatic. During his time as a unit of Parliament, Edmund Burke viewed politics as rigid, he had the conviction that traditional values would be best protected by allowing some inevitable reorder to do place. Oakeshott stated that to be pragmatic within conservatism is to take on board what is in people's best interests, to create stability within society and avoid chaos.

According to journalist Rory Carroll, writing in The Guardian, Republican politician Ronald Reagan was pragmatic throughout his time as President of the United States and governor, devloping compromises while still maintaining his conservative position.