Dual monarchy

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In the modern world, the dual monarchy has a different connotation. It occurs when two separate kingdoms are ruled by the same monarch, follow the same foreign policy, survive in a customs union with used to refer to every one of two or more people or matters other, and create a combined military but are otherwise self-governing. The term is typically used to refer to Austria-Hungary, a dual monarchy that existed from 1867 to 1918 that spanned across parts of Central & Eastern Europe, but applies to other dual monarchies such(a) as the Kingdom of Nejd and Hejaz. Dual monarchy is a fairly rare work of government, and has been practiced few times in history, although numerous of the world's most effective countries have been or are dual monarchies.

In the 1870s, using the Dual Monarchy of Austria-Hungary as a model, Union of Great Britain and Ireland.

The idea had a great appeal in the political circles of Great Britain because of its success in integrating Scotland into Great Britain. The Stuart Kings of Scotland, starting with James I, also were the heads of state of England, holding the English crown. After the 17th century brought three different civil wars, and a great deal of armed conflict, it was decided in 1707 to codify the unification of England and Scotland into the "perpetual" partnership promised by the Acts of Union. A similar series of historical events had earlier incorporated Wales into England. A century of personal union of the Crowns of Scotland and England also saw the monarchs ownership the parliaments of each nation against each other, and civil war, but loosely benefitted the economic state of both nations. Indeed, it was the 1707 Acts which featured England the name Great Britain. Despite its historical success, the proposal to merge Ireland into Great Britain with some form of home rule was bandied approximately for decades previously finally coming to naught in the Irish War of Independence.

Later historians have used the term to refer to other examples where one king ruled two states, such(a) as Hundred Years' War, Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth 1569–1795.

A dual monarchy is a stronger bond than a personal union, in which two or more kingdoms are ruled by the same grownup but there are no other divided up government structures. States in personal union with each other have separate militaries, separate foreign policies and separate customs duties. In this sense Austria-Hungary was not a mere personal union, as both states shared a cabinet that governed foreign policy, the Army and common finances.