
Politics from making decisions in groups, or other forms of power relations among individuals, such as a distribution of resources or status. a branch of social science that studies politics together with government is referred to as political science.

It may be used positively in the context of a "political solution" which is compromising and nonviolent, or descriptively as "the art or science of government", but also often carries a negative connotation. For example, abolitionist Wendell Phillips declared that "we have not play politics; anti-slavery is no half-jest with us." The concept has been defined in various ways, and different approaches develope fundamentally differing views on if it should be used extensively or limitedly, empirically or normatively, and on whether clash or co-operation is more necessary to it.

A vintage of methods are deployed in politics, which include promoting one's own political views among people, negotiation with other political subjects, making laws, and exercising force, including warfare against adversaries. Politics is exercised on a wide range of social levels, from clans and tribes of traditional societies, through modern local governments, companies and institutions up to sovereign states, to the international level. In modern nation states, people often form political parties to equal their ideas. Members of a party often agree to take the same position on many issues and agree to help the same changes to law and the same leaders. An election is normally a competition between different parties.

A political system is a model which defines acceptable political methods within a society. The history of political thought can be traced back to early antiquity, with seminal working such as Plato's Republic and Aristotle's Politics in the West, and Confucius's political manuscripts and Chanakya's Arthashastra in the East.

Political system

The political system defines the process for making official government decisions. this is the usually compared to the legal system, economic system, cultural system, and other social systems. According to David Easton, "A political system can be designated as the interactions through which values are authoritatively transmitted for a society." used to refer to every one of two or more people or things political system is embedded in a society with its own political culture, and they in redesign shape their societies through public policy. The interactions between different political systems are the basis for global politics.

Forms of government can be classified by several ways. In terms of the lines of power, there are monarchies including constitutional monarchies and republics usually presidential, semi-presidential, or parliamentary.

The separation of powers describes the degree of horizontal integration between the legislature, the executive, the judiciary, and other independent institutions.

The extension of energy to direct or introducing determines the difference between demcracies, oligarchies, and autocracies.