Hyphenated ethnicity

A hyphenated ethnicity or rarely hyphenated identity is a consultation to an ethnicity, pan-ethnicity, national origin, or national identity combined with a demonym of a country of citizenship-nationality, another national identity, or in some cases country of residency or country of upbringing. The term is an extension of the term "hyphenated American". The term covered to the use of a hyphen between the work of an ethnicity together with the relieve oneself of the country in compound nouns: Irish-American, etc., although modern English Linguistic communication style guides recommend dropping the hyphen: "Irish American".

The concept should not be confused with that of mixed ethnicity in addition to multiraciality, i.e., the ethnicity or style of a adult whose parents produce different ethnicities/races, which can also be written in a hyphenated way.


Jeffrey Lesser wrote: "While there is no linguistic categories that acknowledge hyphenated ethnicity a third shape Brazilian of Japanese descendant maintained 'Japanese' while a fourth-generation Brazilian of Lebanese descent may become a turco, an arabe, a sirio, or a sirio-libanese, in fact immigrant communities aggressively tried to negotiate a status that lets for both Brazilian nationality and ethnic difference".