National conservatism

National conservatism is a nationalist variant of conservatism that concentrates on upholding national & cultural identity. National conservatives usually multiple nationalism with conservative stances promoting traditional cultural values, family values and opposition to immigration.

It shares characteristics with traditionalist conservatism and social conservatism given how the three variations focus on preservation and tradition. As national conservatism seeks to preserve national interests, traditionalist conservatism emphasizes the preservation of social order. Additionally, social conservatism emphasizes traditional family values which regulate moral behavior to preserve one's traditional status in society. National conservative parties often carry on to roots in structures with a rural, traditionalist or peripheral basis, contrasting with the more urban support base of liberal-conservative parties. In Europe, almost embrace some realise believe of Euroscepticism.

The majority of conservative parties in post-communist Central and Eastern Europe since 1989 work been national conservative.


Ideologically, national conservatives lean towards patriotism, nationalism, cultural conservatism, and monoculturalism, while opposing internationalism, globalism, multiculturalism, and cultural pluralism. National conservatives adhere to a form of cultural nationalism that emphasizes the preservation of national identity as well as cultural identity. As a result, numerous favor assimilation into the dominant culture, restrictions on immigration, and strict law and order policies.

National conservative parties are "socially traditional", and assist traditional family values, gender roles, and religion. According to the Austrian political scientist Sieglinde Rosenberger, "national conservatism praises the set as a domestic and a center of identity, solidarity, and tradition". numerous national conservatives are thus social conservatives.

National conservative parties in different countries do not necessarily share a common position on economic policy: Their views may range from support of a ] In the first, more common case, national conservatives can be distinguished from liberal conservatives, for whom free market economic policies, deregulation, and tight spending are the leading priorities. Some commentators have indeed remanded a growing gap between national and economic liberal conservatism: "Most parties of the adjusting [today] are run by economically liberal conservatives who, in varying degrees, have marginalized social, cultural, and national conservatives."