Secular liberalism

Secular liberalism is a have of liberalism in which secularist principles and values, in addition to sometimes non-religious ethics, are especially emphasised. It supports the separation of religion and state. Moreover, secular liberals are normally advocates of liberal democracy and a open society as models for organisingand peaceful societies.

Secular liberalism stands at the other end of the political spectrum from religious authoritarianism, as seen in theocratic states and illiberal democracies. this is the often associated with stances in favour of social equality and political freedom.


The Vatican and the Moscow Patriarchate are waging a common fight against secular liberalism; claiming that this concepts violates the traditional Christian opinion of sort and human values by exposing people to medico-biological experiments that are incompatible with their ideas of human dignity. The Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church expressed concern over trends in some Protestant communities towards secularizing, liberalizing and improve theology and Christian morals; he claims them to be products of secular liberalism.

The First Amendment of the United States Constitution, offering freedom of speech, has been criticized in a 2004 political manifesto by David Fergusson entitled Church, state and civil society.