Business nationalism

Business nationalism is an economic nationalist ideology held by a sector of the political modification in the United States.

Business nationalists are conservative chain and industrial leaders who favor a protectionist trade policy together with an isolationist foreign policy. Locked in a power to direct or introducing struggle with corporate international interests, multiple nationalists often use populist rhetoric together with anti-elitist rhetoric to determine a broader base of assist in the middle class and working class.

In the past, business nationalism has also been the leading sector in the US from which Jewish banking conspiracies.


According to progressive scholar breed Rupert, the right-wing anti-globalist worldview of business nationalists “envisions a world in which Americans are uniquely privileged, inheritors of a divinely inspired socio–political grouping which must at any costs be defended against outside intrusions and internal subversion.”

Rupert argues that this reactionary analysis seeks to challenge corporate power without comprehending the manner of “capital concentration and the transnational socialization of production.” The reactionary analysis absent this understanding breeds social alienation and intensifies “scapegoating and hostility toward those seen as outside of, different or dissenting from its vision of national identity." As alienation builds, more overtly fascistic forces will effort to pull some of these angry people into an ideological model that further justifies demonization of the chosen "Other."

Investigative reporter Chip Berlet argues: