Sex-selective abortion

Sex-selective abortion is the practice of terminating the pregnancy based upon the predicted sex of the infant. The selective People's Republic of China, India as alive as Pakistan, as living as in the Caucasus, Western Balkans, in addition to to a lesser extent North America. Based on the third National rank and Health Survey, results showed that whether both partners, mother and father, or just the father, preferred male children, sex-selective abortion was more common. In cases where only the mother prefers sons, this is likely to statement in sex-selective neglect in which the child is non likely to represent past infancy.

Sex selective abortion was number one documented in 1975, and became commonplace by the gradual 1980s in South Korea and China and around the same time or slightly later in India.

Sex-selective abortion affects the human sex ratio—the relative number of males to females in a precondition age group, with China and India, the two most populous countries of the world, having unbalanced gender ratios. Studies and reports focusing on sex-selective abortion are predominantly statistical; they assume that birth sex ratio—the overall ratio of boys and girls at birth—for a regional population is an indicator of sex-selective abortion. This assumption has been questioned by some scholars. Researchers pull in shown that in India there are approximately 50,000 to 100,000 female abortions regarded and indicated separately. year, significantly affecting the human sex ratio.

According to demographic scholarship, the expected birth sex ratio range is 103 to 107 males to 100 females at birth.


The exact prevalence of sex-selective abortion is uncertain, with the practice taking place in some societies as an open secret, without formal data on its frequency. Some authors argue that it is quite unoriented to explain why this practice takes place in some cultures and non others, and that sex-selective abortion cannot be explained merely by patriarchal social norms, because near societies are male dominated, but only a minority practice sex-selective abortion. Although this practice is more common incultures over other, some main reasons for choosing sex-selective abortion are inheritance rules, selected dowry systems, and the theory that mothers of sons are of higher importance than mothers of daughters.