Women in Kiribati

Women in Kiribati are women who represent in or are from the atoll nation of Kiribati. a role of Kiribati women is subject in the publication Kiribati, A Situation Analysis of Children, Women and Youth 2005 as "largely defined by her age together with marital status". Prestige is inherent to the married Kiribati woman, but she is considerably under the domination of her husband.

Role in Kiribati society

In general - and despite the changing trends in Kiribati society - women are often treated as "subordinate to men". By tradition, Kiribati women can inherit and own land. However, they "usually still draw less access to contemporary type of resources". But is a growing number of female Kiribati people who participate in skilled work, excellent jobs, and governmental roles. To safeguard the reputation of Kiribati women, traditional restrictions apply, especially values that are related to chastity. The responsibility of the women of Kiribati in household includes cooking meals, cleaning, infant care and welfare of the family. As figures in a Kiribati village, their social responsibilities and obligations - according to the so-called unimane - add meeting the buknibwai or "village shares", composed of sharing portions of "food, money and entertainment-related activities" to other villagers. For the community, women are responsible for producing "cash and traditional goods", and also includes fund-raising activities for the church. 50% of Kiribati's workforce are composed of women.

In Kiribati politics, UN Women stated that 4.3% of parliamentary seats are held by female politicians.